I love to play games on the Internet in my spare time. Usually in late evening. The website I play on most of the time is http://www.iwon.com/ . On iwon you earn coins for playing games that you can use to enter sweepstakes drawings for money or prizes. My favorite thing about playing on iwon is that while I'm earning coins for myself, I am also earning points for my charity. It makes me feel like I'm doing something to help.
I usually switch charities every month or so. I've played for Best Friends Animal Society, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Cancer Research, Salvation Army, and for Feb. I chose Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders is in 3rd place this month, so I'll stay with them in March. Players usually switch teams and the 2nd and 3rd place charities move up to 1st or 2nd.
I always choose a charity/team from the top 3. First place gets $10k, second place get $2k and third place gets $1k [mailed directly to the charities headquarters].
So, if you enjoy playing all kinds of games for FREE. If you like to give to charity. This may be something you would be interested in.
God Bless
February 27, 2009
February 25, 2009
Wednesday Feb. 25th
Today I went to the Seniors center to play bingo [supports Meals on Wheels]. I didn't win, but my friends did. I had a lot of fun. I got "on" [1 away] almost every game, and some games I was on up to 7 times! Really thought I had it a couple times, but that's what makes it fun.
Kati, my service dog, was finally able to come with me. She was stuck at home for 3 weeks, because of the snow. The ride in my 4x4 pick-up is REALLY rough, and it makes her very sore. She is after all 11 years old. She was soooo excited to go, and everyone was happy to see her.
I was able to go to church today, yeah! It was a very good service and it was good to see my friends there.
The snow and ice is gone. The rain melted it, so I was able to bring my car home. I keep it at 3000', at a friends house 3 miles down the hill from me. In the winter, I keep either my car or my 4x4 pick-up at their house. I switch off as needed. It's kinda funny. In bad weather, I drive the truck down to my car- switch, then switch on the way home. It does get old, so I'm happy to have my car home and not need to switch for now.
Kati, my service dog, was finally able to come with me. She was stuck at home for 3 weeks, because of the snow. The ride in my 4x4 pick-up is REALLY rough, and it makes her very sore. She is after all 11 years old. She was soooo excited to go, and everyone was happy to see her.
I was able to go to church today, yeah! It was a very good service and it was good to see my friends there.
The snow and ice is gone. The rain melted it, so I was able to bring my car home. I keep it at 3000', at a friends house 3 miles down the hill from me. In the winter, I keep either my car or my 4x4 pick-up at their house. I switch off as needed. It's kinda funny. In bad weather, I drive the truck down to my car- switch, then switch on the way home. It does get old, so I'm happy to have my car home and not need to switch for now.
Condors Feb. 24th
Well, the Condors winning streak has ended. They lost to the Alaska Aces 5 v. Condors 2. I personally think it's the coaches fault. They weren't at the game. I called the Condors head office and found out why. They were put on suspension!
So, the team is working with an 'interim' coach until Mar. 3rd. I didn't even ask what the coaches did.
The team is working hard to qualify for the play-offs, and now this.
So, the team is working with an 'interim' coach until Mar. 3rd. I didn't even ask what the coaches did.
The team is working hard to qualify for the play-offs, and now this.
February 24, 2009
Bear and the critter
BearBear never did get the critter he was digging for. After his 3 days of digging, it moved. Yeah! I couldn't stand the thought of him hurting a little fox, or a little skunk hurting him, lol.
I think that little critter should have moved earlier. I wouldn't have waited 3 days while a large animal was digging furiously into my home. Would you?
I think that little critter should have moved earlier. I wouldn't have waited 3 days while a large animal was digging furiously into my home. Would you?
It has been raining for 3 days
The last three days it has been raining. This is good and bad. The good- it has been melting the snow, the bad- the cloudy days have prevented my solar panels from charging.
Day 1- I only got a trace of rain. Day 2- I got 1/2" rain over the course of the day. Day 3- I got 1/2" rain in about 2-3 hours in the very early am. So, it has been cloudy.
I live off the grid [no public utilities available at my house]. I have my own water well, solar panels for charging batteries to run my TV, computer, and lights. I have a very large generator to pump water from my well, run the vacuum etc. I have a very small generator to help charge my batteries when it's very cold [bad for batteries], and when it has been cloudy.
Day 1- I only got a trace of rain. Day 2- I got 1/2" rain over the course of the day. Day 3- I got 1/2" rain in about 2-3 hours in the very early am. So, it has been cloudy.
I live off the grid [no public utilities available at my house]. I have my own water well, solar panels for charging batteries to run my TV, computer, and lights. I have a very large generator to pump water from my well, run the vacuum etc. I have a very small generator to help charge my batteries when it's very cold [bad for batteries], and when it has been cloudy.
Condors Feb. 22nd
The Condors again played the Victoria Salmon Kings. This time we won. Only two of our players scored in the game. Derlago- scored 3x [hat trick], and Painchaud- scored 2x. Which is awesome, considering that the Salmon Kings only scored twice. The Salmon Kings are WAY above us in the ECHL rankings, and that makes it much more wonderful that we won by 3. Bakersfield Condors 5 v. Victoria 2. GO CONDORS!
February 23, 2009
Condors Feb. 21st
The Condors Played the Victoria [Canada] Salmon Kings. The game was tied after three sessions, and had to go into overtime [OT]. Nothing changed in OT, so it went into a shootout [SO]. We lost, by one point in the SO. Salmon Kings 4 v. Condors 3. It was a close game and I was glad to be there.
February 19, 2009
Bingo -no Church
Yesterday, I went to bingo. I had a really good time with my friends, even though I didn't win. I was "on" [needed 1 number] on almost every game. That makes it very exciting.
The bummer was, I didn't get to go to church. I go to my local Calvary Chapel most Wednesday evenings for Bible study. I didn't get to go, because there is still snow on my road. After it starts to melt, then freezes again at night it becomes ice. It is very difficult to drive up a sheet of ice, even with a 4x4. So, I had to come straight home.
The bummer was, I didn't get to go to church. I go to my local Calvary Chapel most Wednesday evenings for Bible study. I didn't get to go, because there is still snow on my road. After it starts to melt, then freezes again at night it becomes ice. It is very difficult to drive up a sheet of ice, even with a 4x4. So, I had to come straight home.
Condors Feb. 18th
Well the Condors won again! They were in Utah playing the Grizzlies. Final score -Condors 6 @ Utah 5. They are on a winning streak. This win put them higher in the standings. They just might make it to the play-offs. There are just 18 more games left in the regular season; only 4 away games. I'm going to attend the Saturday & Sunday games- weather permitting.
February 17, 2009
More snow, and the dogs love it!
It snowed 5" yesterday and 3" this morning. This brings the weeks total to 16". Good thing I have a 4wd truck.
Yesterday as I was walking the dogs around, Bear [my Lab] found a fox or skunk den. He spent hours digging in that hole. I kept getting him home, but every time I let him out to potty he would go back and dig more. When I got him in for the night he was a wet and dirty dog. I actually used snow to clean him off- It works! I sure hope that little critter moves so Bear will stop digging after it. I don't want him to hurt a fox or a skunk to spray him.
The snow makes ALL my dogs act like puppies. Only Buddy is a puppy, he's 11 months. Kati & Bear are both 11 years. They all love to play in the snow. Then, after playing, Kati likes to lay down by the wood stove and warm up her bottom.
Yesterday as I was walking the dogs around, Bear [my Lab] found a fox or skunk den. He spent hours digging in that hole. I kept getting him home, but every time I let him out to potty he would go back and dig more. When I got him in for the night he was a wet and dirty dog. I actually used snow to clean him off- It works! I sure hope that little critter moves so Bear will stop digging after it. I don't want him to hurt a fox or a skunk to spray him.
The snow makes ALL my dogs act like puppies. Only Buddy is a puppy, he's 11 months. Kati & Bear are both 11 years. They all love to play in the snow. Then, after playing, Kati likes to lay down by the wood stove and warm up her bottom.
Condors Feb. 16th
Last night the Condors were in Utah playing the Grizzlies. The game was tied at 3, and went into overtime and a shootout. The shootout went to 7 shots each [minimum of 5] to break the tie. Bakersfield's rookie Matt Pope broke the tie to bring the Condors another win.
Matt Pope is in the East Coast Hockey Leagues [ECHL] top 5 scoring rookies.
Our best
goalie, Yutaka Fukufuji [we call him, Fuji] is the only player born in Japan to play in the ECHL and the NHL. He is the only player from Japan to EVER play in the NHL. He played with the Anaheim Ducks for part of a season a few years ago. He is a fan favorite.
Matt Pope is in the East Coast Hockey Leagues [ECHL] top 5 scoring rookies.
Our best

February 15, 2009
Preparing for Snowstorm
Right now, I'm preparing for a huge snowstorm. It is 19* out and cloudy. The snow is supposed to hit first thing in the morning. I got 8" in the last storm, I should get as much or more from this storm. This storm will be wetter than the last one. Good thing I went shopping today, and stocked up on supplies.
God Bless you all. Keep warm and dry.
God Bless you all. Keep warm and dry.
Condors Feb. 14th
The Condors were in Stockton last night. The game was an unexpected win for the Condors.
The score was Condors-0 @ Stockton-3 in the 1st, Condors-1 @ Stockton-3 in the 2nd, and Condors-5 @ Stockton-4 Final. They pulled it out in the last frame. The Condors have won 5 out of their last 6 games. Way to go Condors.
The score was Condors-0 @ Stockton-3 in the 1st, Condors-1 @ Stockton-3 in the 2nd, and Condors-5 @ Stockton-4 Final. They pulled it out in the last frame. The Condors have won 5 out of their last 6 games. Way to go Condors.
February 14, 2009
Condors Feb. 13th
The Bakersfield Condors [hockey] beat the Ontario Reign 5-3 on Friday. I missed the game because of the snow, bummer. They have won 4 out of their last 5 games. This will bring them up in the standings and help them make it to the playoffs [hopefully]. If you are curious about my favorite team, go to: http://www.bakersfieldcondors.com/ .
Keep warm & dry.
Keep warm & dry.
Woke up to snow
Friday morning I woke up to 14* and 8" of powder snow. It was so beautiful looking outside, with the trees and shrubs covered in snow. Perfect for skiing, but not walking dogs. I fell several times just walking the 3 dogs up the hill in the snow. I'm sure I stepped on some ice under the snow, from the previous snow. At least it was powder snow, it just brushed right off. The temperature warmed up to a cozy 32* with a westward wind of 5-20 mph.
My friend and helper Will, brought in a lot of dry firewood to keep my house warm. Another snow storm is coming Sunday night through Monday. Where I live [at 5000'] 12" -18" of fresh snow is expected. I guess I'll just stay home. Not like I have a life or anything to do, lol. Good thing I like it where I live. I have great neighbors, and my computer of course -grin-.
My friend and helper Will, brought in a lot of dry firewood to keep my house warm. Another snow storm is coming Sunday night through Monday. Where I live [at 5000'] 12" -18" of fresh snow is expected. I guess I'll just stay home. Not like I have a life or anything to do, lol. Good thing I like it where I live. I have great neighbors, and my computer of course -grin-.
February 12, 2009
My Birthday
Well, as of yesterday [2-11], I am 43. I had a great day.
At bingo [in support of Meals on Wheels] I won $77, and almost everyone wished me a "Happy Birthday". I even received a card signed by all my bingo friends. How thoughtful.
Afterwards, I went to Wednesday evening services at my church. Very good service, and awesome praise & worship songs.
Today, I woke up to 3" snow. Must have snowed very early, because it was already there at 6 am. The sun shone today, but it stayed cold, 33* for the high.
Expecting a huge snow storm tomorrow, all the way down to I-5 on the grapevine. Down to about 3000'. This is a lot of snow and cold weather for CA.
At bingo [in support of Meals on Wheels] I won $77, and almost everyone wished me a "Happy Birthday". I even received a card signed by all my bingo friends. How thoughtful.
Afterwards, I went to Wednesday evening services at my church. Very good service, and awesome praise & worship songs.
Today, I woke up to 3" snow. Must have snowed very early, because it was already there at 6 am. The sun shone today, but it stayed cold, 33* for the high.
Expecting a huge snow storm tomorrow, all the way down to I-5 on the grapevine. Down to about 3000'. This is a lot of snow and cold weather for CA.
February 9, 2009
It's Snowing and cold today
Hi all,
It has been snowing on and off all day. Right now I have 3". The wind has been blowing hard since last night, and the high temp was 33* and the low 20*. Brrr.
I have a nice warm fire in my woodstove going. All 3 dogs [Kati-Standard Dachshund, Bear-Lab, and Buddy-Walker Hound] are asleep by the stove.
Keep warm all.
It has been snowing on and off all day. Right now I have 3". The wind has been blowing hard since last night, and the high temp was 33* and the low 20*. Brrr.
I have a nice warm fire in my woodstove going. All 3 dogs [Kati-Standard Dachshund, Bear-Lab, and Buddy-Walker Hound] are asleep by the stove.
Keep warm all.
February 8, 2009
Condors Feb. 7th
The Condors had to play the Idaho Steelheads, a WAY better team. We beat them 4-3! Another awesome game to watch and attend. The Condors coach threw a tantrum and got thrown out of the game for a 2 minute penalty. I've never seen a coach get a penalty before. :-o
February 7, 2009
Condors Feb. 6th
I went to a hockey game last night [Bakersfield Condors- ECHL]. We beat the Alaska Aces 4-2. Sent them home with their tails between their legs. -grin- It was an awesome game to watch and attend, both teams played great. I can't wait for tonight's game.
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